Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Stacy Hates Quilting

Yes, yes. It's been a long time. I was out of town for awhile. And then I was lazy. And Tammy was birthin' a baby, so I guess that's her excuse. ;)

Anyway, I finally decided to get off my duff and set out to finish a blanket I had started for Madeline long ago. You'd think that making a blanket would be easy right?

I started this thing shortly after finding out for sure that I was having a girl. And I JUST NOW finished. In case you're keeping score, my oldest daughter is almost 3 1/2. That means I've been workin' on this thing for four YEARS. My how time flies when you're not having any fun. Like, no fun at all. Seriously. Give me a dress to make any day. Please. I beg you, make the blankets stop.

I think I was just too ambitious with this one. I mean, I did embroidery.

And ruffles.

I made a lot of mistakes, too. I really hate making mistakes. They will haunt me forever. But it did pass the washing test, so there's that (i.e. it didn't fall apart when I put it in the washing machine).

Alas, digging through my fabric box the other day I found another quilt I started ages ago. I think I'll save that one for later. You know, when I'm not so jaded (HA!).

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